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Email: yeting@hust.edu.cn,yeting868@163.com








1. 2015/01-2017/12,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,人际连续性视域下慢性病健康管理研究:效果评估与制度优化(71403092

2. 2014/09-2015/07,国家博士后基金面上项目,基本医疗保障制度下城乡居民受益的空间公平性研究(2014M562035

3. 2014/04-2014/12,华中科技大学自主创新研究基金,健康体系整合研究

4. 2011/01-2013/06,华中科技大学博士论文创新基金,农村基本医疗服务连续性的制度研究


1. 2013/01-2016/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于CAS理论的农村医疗服务纵向整合管理模型研究(71273099

2. 2013/01-2016/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,城镇居民基本医疗保险未成年人适宜缴费水平目标规划模型研究(70903024

3. 2010/01-2012/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,农村基本医疗服务网络中的质量链及其管理模型研究(项目编号:70973040

4. 2012/03-2015/03CMB资助的OC项目,Study on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Integrated Health Care Services in Rural China(项目编号:11-069

5. 2011/05-2011/06,国家发展和改革委员会委托课题县级医院改革调查评估

6. 2009/01-2010/01,原卫生部政策法规司委托课题,加强卫生服务协调性与连续性发展的政策研究


1. Ting Ye, Xiaowei Sun, Wenxi Tang, Yudong Miao, Yan Zhang, Liang Zhang*, Effect of continuity of care on health-related quality of life in adult patients with hypertension: A cohort study in China, BMC Health Services ResearchSCI,已录用)

2. Ye Ting, Jens-Uwe Niehoff, Zhang Yan, Zhang Xiang, Zhang Liang*, Which Medical Institution Should Perform Gatekeeping in Rural China? Results from a Cross-Sectional Study, Das GesundheitswesenSSCI,已录用)

3. Miao Y, Zhang L, Sparring V, Sandeep S, Tang W, Sun X, Feng D, Ye T*. Improving health related quality of life among rural hypertensive patients through the integrative strategy of health services delivery: a quasi-experimental trial from Chongqing, China[J]. Int J Equity Health,2016,15(1):132SSCI

4. Ye T, Zhang L*, Ye J. Krankenhausversorgung in ländlichen Gebieten Chinas - Eine Sekundärdatenanalyse über die Mehrfachinanspruchnahme von Krankenhausversorgung unter den Bedingungen des chinesischen medizinischen Versorgungssystems. Das Gesundheitswesen, 2013,75(3):160SSCI

5. 叶婷,贺睿博,张研,张亮*,荷兰捆绑支付实践及对我国卫生服务整合的启示,中国卫生经济(已录用,将发表于201610月)

6. 叶婷,孙学勤,张翔,李伯阳,李睿,张亮*,农村三级卫生服务网络的服务连续性探讨,中华医院管理杂志,2011,27(3):184

7. 叶婷,孙学勤,李伯阳,李睿,张亮*,我国城市社区提供连续性卫生服务的困境与对策,中国全科医学,2011,14(10):1070

8. Sun X, Tang W, Ye T, Zhang Y, Wen B, Zhang L*, Integrated care: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis and literature review, International Journal of Integrated Care,2014,14(6):1SCI

9. Jing Wang, Lina Chen, Ting Ye, Zhiguo Zhang, Jingdong Ma*, Financial protection effects of modification of China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme on rural households with chronic diseases, BMC Health Service Research,2014,14(7):305SCI

10. Yudong MIAO, Ting YE, Dongfu QIAN, Jinlong LI, *Liang ZHANG, Utilization of Rural Primary Care Physicians’ Visit Services for Diabetes Management of Public Health in Southwestern China: A Cross-Sectional Study from Patients’ View, Iranian Journal of Public Health,2014,43(6):769 SCI

11. 张研,唐文熙,孙晓伟,胡瑞,叶婷,张亮*,健康整合的评价及评价体系初探,医学与社会,2014,27(8):23


12. 刘文俊,叶婷,张亮*,河南某县新型农村合作医疗住院补偿情况分析,医学与社会,2012,25(9):59

13. 魏来,叶婷,张亮*,卫生资源整合和卫生服务整合的比较分析,中国卫生政策研究,2012,5(9):22

14. 李伯阳,叶婷,孙学勤,李睿,张亮*,我国连续性卫生服务的概念框架探讨,中国卫生经济,2011,30(1):8


1. Ye T, Zhang L*, Hospital availability in rural districts of China – a secondary data analysis on multiple utilization of hospital services under the conditions of the Chinese medical health-care system, Health Systems in Asia: Equity, Governance and Social Impact, 20131213日至16日,新加坡,海报报告

2. Ye Ting, Zhang Zhiguo*, Minor’s medical insurance premium reform in China - clues from the Tangshan city study, 13th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, 2014623日至26日,希腊雅典,大会报告

3. Ye Ting, Zhang Zhiguo, Zhang Yan, Comparative Research on Compensation Levels of Social Basic Medical Insurances, 11th World Congress in Health Economics, 2015712日至15日,意大利米兰,海报报告

4. Ye T., Effect of Continuity of Care on Satisfaction in Adult Patients with Hypertension: A Cohort Study in China, 16th International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC16), 2016522日至25日,西班牙巴塞罗那,平行报告


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